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Inglés National Geographic Interactivo nivel Medio Básico Ampliar

Inglés National Geographic Interactivo nivel Medio Básico

Duración: 85 horas

Curso compuesto de: 

  • Manual   Manual + 2 CD
  • Cuaderno de anotaciones   Cuaderno de anotaciones
  • Prueba de valuación/cuestionario de calidad   Prueba de evaluación/cuestionario de calidad 


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255,00 €

Modalidad: Distancia
Duración: 85 horas

Título: Diploma Acreditativo expedido por LABORUS Work Consulting



Distinguir y usar correctamente los tiempos verbales de presente, pasado y futuro. Conocer y utilizar el adjetivo en grado comparativo y superlativo. Reconocer, usar y  colocar correctamente los adverbios de frecuencia.

Reconocer nombres contables e incontables y utilizar los cuantificadores adecuados. Conocer y usar los diferentes  tipos de oraciones condicionales. Conjugar verbos regulares e irregulares. Posicionar correctamente los adjetivos. Conocer y utilizar diferentes tipos de conectores y cuantificadores. Aprender la Primera Condicional. Aprender los modales could, ought to, should, must and  have to.




UNIT 1: People

Unit Goals:  Meet people, ask for and give personal information., describe different occupations, talk about people                                     and their occupations.

Grammar: Review of present tense to be. Be + adjective(+ noun). Possessive nouns.

Vocabulary: Occupations, countries, nationalities, descriptive adjectives.

Listening: Focused listening: Personal introductions.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Asking for and giving personal information. Contractions: - ´m, -´re, -´s.

Reading and Writing:” People from Around the world”. Writing about a person and her occupation.


UNIT 2: Work, Rest and Play.

Unit Goals: Talk about a work day, talk about free time, describe a festival or a celebration, compare different festivals.

Grammar:  Review: Simple present tense. Adverbs of frequency.

Vocabulary: Daily activities. Party words.

Listening: Focused listening: A radio celebrity interview.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about daily schedules and free time. Verbs that end in –s.

Reading and Writing: “ Carnival: one festival, Many faces. Writing a descriptive paragraph.


UNIT 3: Going places.

Unit Goals: Identify possessions, ask for and give personal travel information, give travel advice, share special travel tips with others.

Grammar:  Possession. Imperatives and should for advice.

Vocabulary: Travel preparations and stages. Travel documents and money.

Listening: General listening: Conversations at travel destinations.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Giving personal information for travel forms. Rising intonation in lists.

Reading and Writing: “Smart Traveler: Expert opinion”. Writing travel tips.


UNIT 4: Food

Unit Goals: Talk about food. Order a meal, talk about diets, discuss unusual and favourite foods.

Grammar:  Count and noncount nouns: some and any. How much, how many with quantifiers: lots of, a few, a little.

Vocabulary: Food. Diets.

Listening: General and focused listening: In a restaurant.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Role- play: purchasing food at a store. Ordering from a menu. Reduced forms: Do you have…and Would you like…

Reading and Writing: “Bugs as Food”. Writing a favourite recipe.


UNIT 5: Sports

Unit Goals: Talk about activities happening now, compare every day and present time activities. Talk about favourite sports. Discuss adventure holidays.

Grammar:  Present continuous tense. Stative verbs.

Vocabulary: Doing sports. Team sports. Individual sports.

Listening: General and focused listening: Every day activities vs. today´s activities.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about what people are doing now. Discussing favourite sports. Reduced form: What are you…

Reading and Writing: “Climbing the Dragon´s Spires”. Writing an email.


UNIT 6: Destinations

Unit Goals: Talk about past vacation trips, exchange information about vacations, use was/were to describe a personal experience, talk about a discovery from the past.

Grammar:  Simple past tense. Simple past tense: to be

Vocabulary: Travel activities. Emphatic adjectives.

Listening: General listening: A vacation.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Comparing vacations. Describing personal experiences. Sounds of –ed endings. Reading and Writing: “ The city of Machu Picchu, the Cradle of the Inca Empire”. Writing a postcard.


UNIT 7: Communication

Unit Goals: Talk about personal communication, give and write down contact details, describe characteristics and        qualities, compare different types of communication.

Grammar:  Verbs with direct and indirect objects. Linking verbs.

Vocabulary: Communication. Electronics. The senses.

Listening: Focused  listening: A radio call- in program.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Asking for contact information. Describing sights, sounds and other sensations. Endings – ty and –teen.

Reading and Writing: “ The secret Language of Dolphins”. Writing a text message.


UNIT 8: The Future

Unit Goals: Talk about plans. Discuss long and short term plans. Make weather predictions. Discuss the future.

Grammar:  Be going to. Will for predictions.

Vocabulary: Plans. Weather conditions.

Listening: General listening: A talk show.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about weekend plans. Discussing the weather. Reduced form of going to. Reading and Writing: “ Future Energy”. Writing  statements about the future.


UNIT 9: Shopping for clothes

Unit Goals: Making comparisons. Explain preferences. Talk about clothing materials. Understand and describe a process.

Grammar:  Comparatives. Superlatives.

Vocabulary: Clothing. Descriptive adjectives. Clothing materials.

Listening: Focused listening: Shoe shopping.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about clothes. Shopping- at the store and online. Rising and falling intonation.

Reading and Writing: “Silk- the Queen of Textiles”. Writing about favourite clothes.


UNIT 10: Lifestyles

Unit Goals: Give advice on healthy habits. Suggest ways to improve bad habits. Ask about lifestyles. Ask about lifestyles. Evaluate your lifestyle.

Grammar:  Modals- could, ought to, should, must, have to. Questions with how.

Vocabulary: Healthy and unhealthy habits. Compound adjectives.

Listening: General speaking: personal lifestyles.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Discussing healthy and unhealthy habits . Giving advice for improving habits. Should, shouldn´t.

Reading and Writing: “The Secrets of Long Life”. Writing a paragraph about personal lifestyle.



UNIT 11: Achievements

Unit Goals: Talk about today´s chores. Interview for a job. Talk about lifetime achievements. Discuss scientific achievements.

Grammar: Present perfect tense. Present perfect tense vs. simple past tense.

Vocabulary: Chores. Lifetime achievements.

Listening: Listening for general understanding and specific details: A job interview.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Interviewing for a job. Catching up with a friend. Reduced form of have.

Reading and Writing: “Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe”. Writing an email to catch up.


UNIT 12: Consequences

Unit Goals: Talk about managing money. Make choices on how to spend your money. Talk about how our actions can have positive consequences. Discuss ways to prevent habitat destruction.

Grammar: Real conditionals (also called the First conditional).

Vocabulary: Chores. Personal finances. Animal habitats.

Listening: Listening for specific details: At a travel agency.

Speaking and Pronunciation: Making decisions about spending money. Talking about important issues. Sentence stress.

Reading and Writing: “Habitat Destruction”. Writing a letter to the editor.


Contenido del CD:

2 CD:

-      1 CD con audiciones del libro del alumno y ejercicios interactivos.

-      1 CD con solucionario del  libro del alumno y solucionario del libro de ejercicio.

Uso exclusivo en PC.   


Contenido del material:


  • Libro del alumno WORLD ENGLISH 1: teoría, ejercicios y CD con audiciones.
  • Libro de ejercicios WORKBOOK WORLD ENGLISH 1
  • CD con solucionario del libro del alumno y  solucionario del libro de ejercicios.




