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Inglés National Geographic Interactivo Avanzado Ampliar

Inglés National Geographic Interactivo Avanzado

Duración: 85 horas

Curso compuesto de: 

  • Manual   Manual + 2 CD
  • Cuaderno de anotaciones   Cuaderno de anotaciones
  • Prueba de valuación/cuestionario de calidad   Prueba de evaluación/cuestionario de calidad 


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255,00 €

Modalidad: Distancia
Duración: 85 horas

Título: Diploma Acreditativo expedido por LABORUS Work Consultin



Conocer, saludar y describir a la gente. Identificar los miembros de la familia. Distinguir y usar correctamente los tiempos verbales: presente simple, imperativo, presente continuo y pasado simple y las formas verbales: “have”, “can y could”, “be going to”. Hablar sobre trabajos, países, objetos personales, actividades diarias, habilidades y deportes. Describir tu casa y compararla con otra. Usar el artículo indefinido, los nombres plurales, los adjetivos demostrativos, la hora y los adverbios de frecuencia. Preguntar por una dirección y saber darla, crear una ruta y hablar sobre el transporte. Identificar y comprar ropa y saber decir lo que alguien lleva puesto. Expresar lo que te gusta y lo que no. Conocer vocabulario de comidas, para así poder planear un menú para una ocasión especial o hablar sobre una dieta. Identificar las partes del cuerpo, describir cómo te sientes y dar remedios o consejos. Hacer planes (para días especiales, vacaciones, para el futuro, etc) y  hablar sobre nuestros hechos pasados.




UNIT 1: Friends and Family

 Meet and introduce people.

 Grammar: simple present tense: be; be + adjective.

 Vocabulary: greetings and introductions; family members; adjectives.

Listening: listening for general understanding and specific information.

Speaking and Pronunciation: talking about your family tree; /r/ sound.

Reading and Writing: “Families around the World”; writing sentences to describe people.



UNIT 2: Jobs Around the World

Identify jobs. Talk about countries.

 Grammar: be: negative; indefinite article; be + article + adjective + noun.

 Vocabulary: jobs; numbers; continents, countries anda cities.

Listening: focused listening; people describing their jobs.

Speaking and Pronunciation: asking for and giving personal information; contractions with be.

Reading and Writing: “Different Farmers”; writing a paragraph to describe a person´s job.



UNIT 3: Houses and Apartments

 Identify rooms and objects in a house.

 Grammar: there is/ there are; prepositions of place.

 Vocabulary: rooms in a house; furniture and household objects.

 Listening: listening for general understanding and specific details; people talking about their houses.

 Speaking and Pronunciation: describing your house; final –s.

       Reading and Writing: “Unusual Houses”; writing descriptions of houses.


UNIT 4: Possessions

Identify personal possessions.

Grammar: demonstrative adjectives; possessive nouns; have.

Vocabulary: personal possessions; electronic products.

Listening: listening for specific information; people proving ownership.

Speaking and Pronunciation: talking about the personal possessions of others; differentiating short i anda long e sounds.

      Reading and Writing: “Jewelry”; summarizing a class survey.


      UNIT 5: Daily Activities

Tell time.

Grammar: simple present tense; adverbs of frequency.

Vocabulary: daily activities; telling time; professional activities.

Listening: listening for general understanding and specific details; describing a photographer´s work.

Speaking and Pronunciation: asking and answering questions about work activities; fallling intonation on statements and information questions.

      Reading and Writing: “Robots at Work”; writing a job description.


      UNIT 6: Getting There

Ask for and give directions.

Grammar: imperatives; have to.

Vocabulary: city landmarks; directions; ground; transportation.

Listening: listening for specific information; radio ad for a tour.

Speaking and Pronunciation: ask for and give directions; yes / no questions.

      Reading and Writing: “Shackleton´s Epic Journey”; writing a travel journal.


      UNIT 7: Free time

Identify activities that are happening now.

Grammar: present continuous tense; can.

Vocabulary: pastimes; games and sports.

Listening: listening for specific information; telephone conversation.

Speaking and Pronunciation: have a phone conversation; sh and ch sounds.

      Reading and Writing: “Sports---Then and Now”; writing sentences about your abilities.


      UNIT 8: Clothes

Identify and buy clothes. Express likes and dislikes.

Grammar: can / could; likes and dislikes.

Vocabulary: clothes; colors.

Listening: listening for specific details.

Speaking and Pronunciation: describing people´s clothes; could you.

      Reading and Writing: “Chameleon Clothes”; writing about what people are wearing.


      UNIT 9: Eat well

Order a meal.

Grammar: some / any; how much / how many.

Vocabulary: food types; meals; count / non-count nouns.

Listening: listening for specific details; conversation to confirm a shopping list.

Speaking and Pronunciation: planning a dinner; and.

      Reading and Writing: “Special days, Special Food”; writing sentences to summarize information.


      UNIT 10: Health

Identify parts of the body to say how you feel.

Grammar: review of simple present tense; should.

Vocabulary: parts of the body; common illnesses; remedies.

Listening: listening for general understanding and specific details; doctor´s appointments.

Speaking and Pronunciation: describing symptoms and illnesses; giving advice; word stress.

      Reading and Writing: “Preventing Disease”; writing a notice board.


      UNIT 11: Making Plans

      Plan special days.

      Grammar: be going to; would like (for wishes).

Vocabulary: special plans; american holidays; proffesions.

Listening: listening for general understanding and specific details.

Speaking and Pronunciation: talking about celebrating holidays; reduced; be going to.

      Reading and Writing: “Life´s Milestones”; writing about one´s plans for the future.


      UNIT 12: Migrations

      Talk about moving in the past.

      Grammar: simple past tense.

Vocabulary: verbs + prepositions of movement; travel preparations.

Listening: listening for general understanding and specific details; biographies of famous immigrants.

Speaking and Pronunciation: discusing moving; -ed sounds.

      Reading and Writing: “Human Migration”; writing a vacation postcard.


Contenido del CD:


2 CD:

-      1 CD con audiciones del libro del alumno y ejercicios interactivos.

-      1 CD con solucionario del  libro del alumno y solucionario del libro de ejercicio.


Uso exclusivo en PC.   

Contenido del material:

  • Libro del alumno WORLD ENGLISH Intro: teoría, ejercicios y CD con audiciones.
  • Libro de ejercicios WORKBOOK WORLD ENGLISH INTRO
  • CD con solucionario del libro del alumno y  solucionario del libro de ejercicios.


